Lesotho - 1983 French Missionaries - Full Set of Maxicards - Unserviced
Lesotho - 1983 French Missionaries - Full Set of Maxicards
Lesotho - 1983 Commonwealth Day - Full Set of Maxicards
Lesotho - 1984 Easter. The Ten Commandments - Miniature Sheet - CTO
Lesotho - 1984 Easter. The Ten Commandments - Miniature Sheet - Unused
Lesotho - 1984 Easter. The Ten Commandments - Full Sheet - CTO
Lesotho - 1984 Easter. The Ten Commandments - Full Sheet - Unused
Lesotho - 1986 Fauna and Flora of Lesotho - Miniature Sheet - CTO
Lesotho - 1986 Fauna and Flora of Lesotho - Miniature Sheet - Unused
Lesotho - 1985 Easter. The Crucifixion - Miniature Sheet - CTO
Lesotho - 1985 Easter. The Crucifixion - Miniature Sheet - Unused
Lesotho - 1983 Manned Flight - Full Sheetlet of 5 - Unused
Lesotho - 1980 Olympic Games. Moscow - Miniature Sheet - CTO
Lesotho - 1980 Olympic Games. Moscow - Miniature Sheet - Unused
Lesotho - 1980 250th Anniv of Birth of Wedgewood - Full Sheetlet - Unused
Lesotho - 1983 Rock Paintings - Full Sheetlet - CTO
Lesotho - 1983 Rock Paintings - Full Sheetlet - Unused
Lesotho - 1982 Birth of Prince William of Wales - Full Sheetlet of 6 - CTO
Lesotho - 1982 Birth of Prince William of Wales - Full Sheetlet of 6 - Unused
Lesotho - 1992 Prehistoric Animals - Full Set of Pairs - Unused/CTO